Wednesday 11 July 2012

Sleep more to lose weight!!!!!


Sleep behaviour affects body weight control and sleep loss has ramifications not only for how many calories we consume but also for how much energy we burn off, a new study has revealed.

In recent years an increasing number of epidemiological studies have found a relationship between how long we sleep for and obesity as well as type 2 diabetes, suggesting that insufficient sleep increases the risk of gaining weight and developing diabetes.

Work carried out by researchers from the German Universities Tubingen and Lubeck and Uppsala University in Sweden has investigated the effect of short term sleep deprivation on hunger as well as on physical activity and energy used by the body.

Physical activity was measured by special devices worn on the wrist that detect acceleration. Energy used by the body was assessed by indirect calorimetry, a method which estimates how much heat is produced by a person as they use oxygen.

Sleep deprivation increased how hungry participants felt and also raised the amount of the "hunger hormone" ghrelin detected in their blood.

In fact, the shorter the amount of sleep a person had experienced the hungrier they were.

After just one night of disrupted sleep volunteers moved around less although this was not surprising considering they also felt more tired. In addition, staying awake for one complete night reduced the amount of energy used by the body when resting.

This research tells us when we are sleep deprived we are likely to eat more calories because we are hungrier. This alone might cause us to gain weight over time. However sleep loss also means we burn off fewer calories which adds to the risk of gaining weight.

Ongoing studies aim to find out if increasing sleep time might help with weight control efforts.

While there is still some way to go before sleep improvement is used to treat obesity and diabetes, the available research results clearly supports the notion that sleep is involved in the balance between the amount of calories we eat and the amount we use up through activity and metabolism.

The study will be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB).


 Friends its the upcoming technologies in the market..its so cool....hope u like the information...

 Upcoming technologies...awsme!!!



Bright News About LED Lighting

More news about LED lighting that includes

  • A humorous video highlighting improved office productivity  

  • An introduction of a cool personal lighting device.

Video on the Debilitating Effects of Florescent Lights
The point of the video is to illustrate how the typical office worker toiling under the unnatural glare of florescents is less productive, The humorous video was produced by CREE Inc, a manufacturer of LED lighting. LED lighting is called "digital daylight" because it comes closest to natural daylight and hence is considered energizing. The shadowless light is also less fatiguing to eyes. 



these upcoming technologies which are siMicrosoft Surface Computers are now going to be available at AT&T stores from 17th April. The Surface has 30-inches screen and five cameras for multi-touch access to music, photos, the Web etc which makes it one of the most powerful computer for general users. In the beginning only limited stores will be offering the sale of surface just like mobile phones but later it will be expanded to over 2200 AT&T stores. AT&T wants their customers to have a preview of tmilar to iphones in terms of the touch screen features.

Learn : Customers can review features of a particular mobile device by simply placing it on the display. Surface will recognize the device and provide a graphical overview of its capabilities. Customers will be able to place two devices side by side on the unit and easily compare their features.
: Customers view interactive coverage maps at the national, state, local or street level, using simple touch and hand movement to scale and move the maps, determining their coverage area.
: In the future, customers will be able to drag and drop ring tones, graphics, video and more by “grabbing” content with their hands from a menu on the display and “dropping” it into the phone.

New Upcoming Laptops In 2012 | A Great Future Technology

Tech World is going on. fast and fast, new inventions, competing others. Every second product is trying to defeat their rivals by introducing their new gadgets or products to attract customers. Here we presents multiple products of different manufacturers that will compete in future, a new world of 2012 year technology.

 Laptop Kodak 2012 hp
New HP Laptops in 2012 More hp Products (click here)

The Invisible OLED Laptop

Sony Ericsson Laptop
Split Laptop For Upcoming Generation in 2012 More Details and Pictures (click here)
Logitech Lapdesk N550 Laptops
M11x New Gaming Laptop In Future
New Alienware M17xR3 Gaming Laptop - Future World

New OLPC XO - 3 Laptop
Sony Presents VAIO - mini laptop model
OLPC new Tablet or Future XO Laptop


Natural Hair Conditioners

Ditch those expensive, chemical-based over-the-counter hair conditioners and whip up your very own customised hair moisturiser to make your locks lustrous – naturally!


Hair conditioners help smoothen unruly hair and make them look neat and silky. They are usually applied on the lower half of the hair strands.

Although the market is flooded with options, we know they are loaded with chemicals. When you can achieve the same effect by using natural ingredients available in your home, why buy those expensive products?
Here are some do-it-yourself hair conditioning treatments:

Homemade hair mask:

1. Egg mask: Courtesy, its high protein content, egg masks work best for damaged and dry hair.
  • Mix one whole egg with one tablespoon of water or baby oil and work through your hair.
  • Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly and use a mild shampoo afterwards to get rid of the eggy smell.
2. Avocado mask: Say hello to super silky hair with this one…
  • Put a pitted avocado, one tablespoon honey and two tablespoons baby or olive oil in a blender. Make a smoothy.
  • Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse and shampoo.
3. Banana mask: Go bananas to get that ultra-soft and mushy hair. If you find avocado a little too exotic and hard to procure, banana is the one for you.
  • Mix a mashed banana with half-teaspoon of almond oil and some milk.
  • Apply on your hair and wash thoroughly after 15 minutes and there you are.
4. Mayonnaise mask: Your favourite mayo is a pure delight not only in your sandwiches but for your hair too.
  • Apply a cup of mayonnaise on your damp hair and wrap your head with a semi-hot towel.
  •  Leave it for 20 minutes and shampoo it as usual. You can even swap mayo with yogurt to get a similar effect.

Home-made hair rinsers:

Create a great rinse to achieve sheen and lustre in your hair.
1. Mix together a teaspoon each of castor oil, glycerine, and malt vinegar. The castor oil pumps up your hair’s body, the vinegar balances the pH, and glycerine adds moisture. Apply the mixture to your hair before you shampoo and leave in for at least 20 minutes.
2. Brew some tea leaves in a cup of water. Strain and cool. Rinse your hair directly with this concoction after shampooing.
3. Beers not only add amazing shine to all hair type but they add ample moisture too. Use a flat beer (without carbonation or bubbles). For intense shine and body, use the beer after shampooing and rinse properly to save yourself from becoming a mobile beer bar.

Oiling your hair:

Olive oil: The age-old hot oil massage cannot be substituted by anything. Olive oil is considered the best for doing so. Massage the scalp and slather the locks with lukewarm oil. Leave it overnight and let the oil seep into the roots for a deep conditioning effect.

 hve grt hair day!!!!!!!


Tuesday 10 July 2012

Internet world getting intresting...!!!!!

Mozilla suspends Thunderbird development 

Mozilla, with their sights set on more lucrative things like the mobile business have announced their plans to discontinue any significant development. Speaking through a blog post, Mozilla’s Mitchell Baker laid out the organization’s plans with the e-mail client, which apparently lacks in popularity when compared to the web browser.
Going ahead, Mozilla will have developers working on stability and optimization of Thunderbird, but there will be no more major feature updates coming from the Mozilla labs. Instead, Mozilla will be leaving the innovation open to community at large. Mozilla will continue serving updates to existing users through the Extended Support Release process.

BitTorrent have released an API for web developers called Torque, which makes Torrents available straight from the website, without the need for any client software. The company hopes that this engine written in JavaScript will be adopted by web developers to open up the technology to an even wider audience.

The API is currently in the Alpha stage of development, but the company has setup Torque Labs to demonstrate the possibilities of using this technology. For instance, using Torque developers will be able to offer Torrent links to its visitors as regular web links. Keeping with the times, Torque will also integrate into social networking platforms, and allow transfers between computers by simply dragging and dropping files. BitTorrent has made the JS available on a public repository at the GitHub.

Rumor: Apple preparing a smaller iPad


A fresh round of rumors surrounding a smaller version of the iPad have emerged out of a report by Wall Street Journal, going so far as to suggest a launch sometime this year. WSJ reportedly tapped into their source of components suppliers to dig up latest information on Apple’s future plans.

These sources told WSJ that Apple has asked them to ramp up production capacity until September, in preparation for mass production of a smaller version of the iPad. Other rumors about the new tablet suggest that its screen size will be little under 8 inches and it will cost anywhere between $250- $300. As for the display resolution, given its budget tag, a Retina Display equivalent is unlikely. An 8-inch tablet from Apple would certainly have a slight leg up on $200 tablets like the Kindle Fire and Nexus 7.
In 2010, Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs had remarked that there would never be a 7-inch iPad as the screen size is not sufficient to create great tablet apps.
Apple curently retails the entry-level iPad 2 for Rs. 24,500. While there are plenty of entry-level ICS tablets available at present, this will be an interesting three horse race to see which of these three tech giants brings a cheap tablet first to India. 


 Firefox Mobile OS devices releasing early next year

 Mozilla has confirmed that it has convinced two phone manufacturers and several wireless carriers to back its venture into mobile OS development. Mozilla was developing the OS under the Boot to Gecko project, and it has now been christened Firefox Mobile OS. As Mozilla, ZTE and TCL Communications will be manufacturing the phones, under the Alcatel One Touch brand, and Télefonica will market the phones under its Vivo brands. In addition, Deutsche Telekom, Etisalat, Smart, Sprint, Telecom Italia, and Telenor are also expected to start offering phones running Firefox Mobile OS. Mozilla expects Telefónica should be shipping the first batch on these phones in early 2013............




First time for blogging!!! hehehe

Hii friends!!!!!

Its exciting to become newcomer to blogging stuff...its really great to be here.......woo ow!!!and co -incidence its start of fresh life around rainy season comes!!

as the rainy season have arrived in aamchi mumbai...their is aroma of wet mud ......and fresh grass...cold rain drops.....its awesome....!!!



last weekend i went to my hang out area near by home its beautiful on rainy seasons....the place becomes refreshing from your hectic working weekdays....their u can have all types of mumbaiya chaats like pani-puri,bhel,bhel-puri...etc.....




I often visit their with my friends as i get free from my work....mostly on weekends...... hehehe!!!...its great place to hangout and enjoy rainy season besides all that new malls and all...its really boring place to go....i really hate them.....u can get any feeling of outer environment..........yaak!!!!


as we have started about the rainy season...first thing in mind would be yours pakodas and a hot cup of tea/coffee...hehe...wooow what a feeling to have it......

hey!!! I have some recipes for rainy seasons its dam tasty to crackle your taste buds....

Black bean and corn salad
Ingredients: 500 gms cooked black beans, 1 onion, 6 cloves, 2 bay leaves, 2 gms fresh thyme sprigs, 500 gms corn kernels (drained), 250 gms diced tomatoes (peeled), 1 gm dried oregano, 30 gms roughly chopped coriander and 10 gms garlic (chopped), 1 tsp cumin powder, 70 ml olive oil, 20 ml white wine vinegar, 50 ml lemon, salt, sugar and black pepper to taste.
Method: Soak black beans in cold water overnight. Drain beans. Now, in the same vessel, add enough water, so that the beans are covered. Cut the onion into halves and stud them with cloves. Add the clove-studded onions, bay leaves and thyme sprigs to the water. Bring to a boil and simmer for approximately 45 minutes until soft. Do not over-cook. Remove the onion and thyme. Strain and cool down. Mix the remaining ingredients with the cooked beans and your salad is ready to eat.

 Corn olive artichoke tart

Ingredients: 4 to 5 olives (sliced), 2 artichoke bottoms(cubes), 1 green capsicum (chopped), ½ bowl sweet corn (boiled), ½ bowl cottage cheese (cubes), 2 green chillies (chopped), 1 bowl tomato puree, salt to taste, ½ tsp black pepper powder, 2 tsps chopped coriander, ½ bowl grated processed cheese, 5 to 6 tarts, 2 tsps butter and ½ tsp sugar.
Method: In a pan, heat oil and add onion, garlic and green chilli. Sauté for two minutes and add the boiled sweet corn and chopped capsicum. Sauté for two minutes. Add tomato puree, salt, black pepper powder and sugar. Mix well. Add cottage cheese, processed cheese, coriander, sliced olives and artichoke bottoms and mix well. Fill the tarts with this mixture and place it in the oven preheated at 180 degrees fahrenheit for 10 minutes. Remove the tarts from the oven as soon as the top of the tart turns golden brown in colour.

And my and my sis favorite: chocolate brownie

  Here's!!! an easy recipe to make egg less chocolate brownie at home.

200 gms of grated dark chocolate, 6 tbsps unsaltened butter, ½ cup castor sugar, ½ cup maida, ½ tsp baking powder, ½ tsp sodium bi-carbonate, ½ cup of butter milk or beaten curd.
Sift the flour, baking powder, sodium bi-carbonate and a small pinch of salt. Keep it aside. In a pan, boil a cup of water. In a bowl, have the grated chocolate and make it sit on the pan. See to that, it doesn't get drowned. Alternatively, you can put the grated chocolate in a glass bowl and microwave it for a minute. In a bowl, add the butter and castor sugar and stir them, till the mixture gets creamy. Now add the melted chocolate and mix them. Add the beaten curd or butter milk and flour to the mixture and mix well. Grease a glass bowl with butter and pour the flour mixture and microwave it for three minutes. Remove it and microwave it again at 70 per cent heat for another minute. Set this aside for five minutes. Preheat the microwave plus grill mode for five minutes at 220 degree Celsius and bake the brownies at 220 degree Celsius for three minutes. Remove from the microwave and let it cool.

Enjoy it.!!!!!!:-)